
5 ways we can teach our kids gratitude

Here are five ways we can teach our kids the principle of gratitude:

  1. Thank You Notes

Buy a big box of thank you cards and store them in a place that is accessible to the kids. Encourage them to write notes as often as possible. Helping them see opportunities to express gratitude by writing a heart felt message and giving it that person. Your child could write a note to a piano teacher after a recital, a dance teacher or a dear friend.

  1. Look for the Good and be Grateful for It

We practice cognitive reappraisal when we mentally reframe a certain situation and change our emotional response to it. For example, when we drive through a lot of construction and slow traffic instead of complaining about the inconvenience and annoyance, we can speak out loud, “I am grateful they are working so hard to make these roads wider and easier for us to drive on!”

  1. Say “Thank You” to the Host

Showing genuine appreciation to the host upon entering their home goes such a long way. Eye contact and a warm greeting shows the adult that you are happy and grateful to be in their home! And then of course when you leave say something like “Thank you for having me.” If you can’t find them, don’t leave until you have said a proper “Good Bye and Thank You!

  1. Involve Your Kids in the Gratitude Process

If you are baking cookies for the teachers or making bread for the neighbors, have the kids lend a hand. Delegate jobs that are age appropriate and help them to find joy in service. Tell them why you are writing thank you notes and maybe even read your words out loud. If they were affected by someones love and service, have them write a little message too!

  1. Model Gratitude

If the kids see their parents showing gratitude with actions and speaking their gratitude out loud, they will learn to speak and act in a similar way. We are subconsciously giving our kids the dialogue pertaining to gratitude, examples of acts of kindness, and showing them what ‘a grateful life’ can look like.

Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving 🧡
