My Mom's Book List
A Mother's Love for Learning

“As a new mother, one of my biggest concerns was how I would teach my children to recognize God’s guidance if I didn’t fully understand it myself. I studied and prayed diligently, seeking to know how God communicates with me. This was key for me because it was the guidance I needed to do the sacred work in my motherhood years.
As a young mother, I turned to the Lord’s guidance daily, asking Him to teach and direct me. Each morning, I received clear impressions about which principles my children needed to learn, practice, or reinforce.
In everything I read, I looked for the divine laws and principles that I needed to pass on to my children and grandchildren.”
-Gigi Turley
Some Books My Mom Read as a Young Mother:
*= her most favorite
*7 Habits for Highly Effective Families by Steven Covey
*The Bible & The Book of Mormon
*The Color Code by Hartman
*Increase in Learning by David Bednar
The Real George Washington by Allison, Skousen & Perry
The Real Thomas Jefferson by Allison, Skousen, Maxfield & Cook
*Nurtured by Love by Shinichi Suzuki
10 Secrets Wise Parents Know by Top and Chadwick
The Real Benjamin Franklin by Allison, Skousen & Maxfield
*7 Spiritual Laws for Success by Deepak Chopra
Real Love by Graig Baer
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
America’s Destiny by Tad Callister
The Autobiography and other Writings by Benjamin Franklin
Marriage Fitness by Mort Fertel
Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
*As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Strengthening Our Families - Edited by David C Dollahite
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
*Remembering Wholeness by Carol Tuttle
Between Husband & Wife by Stephen E. Lamb and Douglas E. Brinley
*Feelings Buried Alive by Karol Truman
Power Vs Force by David R. Hawkins
Teach Ye Diligently by Boyd K. Packer
*The God Seed by Catherine Thomas
Rock Solid Relationships by Wendy Nelson
*Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
Indigo Children by Lee Corrall Jan Tober
The Birth Order Book by Kevin Leman
The Purpose Driven by Rick Warren
Power to Become by David Bednar
Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
*A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver De Mille
Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill
Secrets of the Vine by Bruce Wilkinson
The Hidden Messages in Water by Massey Emoto
You Were Born for This by Bruce Wilkinson
The Worth of the Soul by Steven Cramer
The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson
I sincerely hope you all have an amazing week. I already feel so much love for each one of you. Thank you for being here.