Asking For a Miracle
God is rooting for you

I like to imagine it goes something like this:
God is the boss and you are the employee. You’re fine with your salary, but you would like to get a bonus.
So you ask for it. Because you’ve been told time and time again, “Ask and yea shall receive.”
You need to really want it, know exactly what it is that you want and then you should probably show up to earn it. Knowing/hoping/exercising faith that one day you’ll get it.
So if you really believe in a God that Hears and answers prayers. If you believe in a God of miracles. If you believe He loves you and wants the best for you…
ask for what you want
and then show up to work, show Him you want it. Reminding Him often what it is that you want.
If you’re paying close enough attention He will show you little glimmers of hope along the grueling path of your trial of faith.
And perhaps He doesn’t have any intentions of giving you the exact thing you’re asking for because He wants to give you something even better —thats how He works. He wants to give to us ABUNDANTLY.
He’s rooting for you…
and He will give you your ‘bonus’ as soon as He knows you’re ready for it and not a second sooner.